Our Retirement Blog

Five Ways to Manage Risk in Your Retirement Savings Plan

I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. Your employers sponsored retirement savings plan is a convenient way to help you accumulate money for your retirement. Using payroll deductions, you invest for your future automatically, following that off noted advice to “pay yourself first.” But choosing to… ...

Taking a Financial Inventory

I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. I have a question for you and I want an honest answer. Do you know where you stand financially at any given point in time? To be more specific, do you know within a few thousand dollars what your… ...

Tax Reform

I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. Taxes are one of the ways out of this mess we’re in with this twenty trillion of national debt and we’re in a big mess. Reforming taxes that is, not raising them. It seems simple to me. If you… ...


I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. The following information on Brexit is provided from Life Strategies Analytics, the investment management service that we use to manage portfolios for clients. On Thursday, Britain voted to leave the European Union. While this decision is most important for… ...

When Your Child Asks for a Loan, Should You Say Yes?

I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. You raised them, helped them get through school, and now your children are on their own. Or are they? Even adult children sometimes need financial help. But if your child asks you for a loan, don’t pull out your… ...

Retirement Withdrawal Rates

Greetings! I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. During your working years, you’ve set aside funds in retirement accounts such as IRAs, 401(k)s, and other workplace savings plans, as well as in taxable accounts . Your challenge during retirement is to convert those savings into an… ...

Healthcare Costs in Retirement

I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. Have you considered the single biggest expense that you will face in retirement? Would you suspect it to be housing? Or recreation? How about health care costs? Between Medicare premiums and the portion of medical bills Medicare doesn’t pay,… ...

Financial Mistakes People Make at Different Ages

Greetings! I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. Here are some common financial mistakes people fall prey to as they approach retirement. Do a quick check to make sure that you avoid them. In Your 40s and 50s Trying to keep up with the Joneses. Appearances… ...

Managing Retirement Assets

Greetings! I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. Managing assets successfully in retirement is primarily about structure. I believe that we should develop and maintain three distinct types of asset management to be effective. The three types involve income producing assets, bank assets and portfolio assets.… ...

Social Security – A Moving Target

Greetings! I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. Even persons planning for retirement with the best understanding of how Social Security benefits fit with their retirement plans should remember they’re aiming at a moving target. A jarring example is last year’s sweeping change to the “File… ...

The Power of a Written Plan

The Power of a Written Plan Business owners and CEO’s have written business plans. Ship captains chart their courses on nautical maps and doctors have written treatment plans for their patients. What these and most successful people all have in common is that they have written plans of action that… ...

Brief Overview on Medicare Enrollment

Greetings! I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. Medicare and all that’s involved with it can be complex initially. You’ll need to take steps to familiarize yourself with it as you approach age 65 for maximum benefits and to minimize your cost. Even enrolling can be… ...

The Actual Math on Waiting to Take Social Security

Greetings! I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. The advantages of tax deferral are often emphasized when it comes to saving for retirement. So it might seem like a good idea to hold off on taking taxable distributions from retirement plans for as long as possible.… ...

An Overlooked Tax Break

Greetings. I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life! In retirement managing taxes, in other words getting every possible tax break that you can based on your circumstances, can be as important as effectively managing your portfolio. Are you working with a good tax preparer and tax… ...

An Unrealized Resource You May Not Be Aware Of

Greetings! I trust that this will find you well and in good spirits. Have you ever considered a home equity line of credit (HELOC) as a resource in retirement? For those of you that are not familiar with them, a home equity line of credit is simply an open line… ...

A Matter of Personal Defense

Greetings! I trust that this will find you well and enjoying life. Cyber security is an issue that we all should be aware of and consider as far as the effect a cyber-attack can have on our lives. The internet is the tool that most of us use to conduct… ...

Turning On The Income Part 3

Greetings! I trust that this finds you well and enjoying life. For several weeks now we’ve been examining common retirement income strategies. For most of us in retirement financial security is predicated on stable, reliable income. We’ve examined the methods of taking a stated withdrawal or spend down rate from… ...